Bitvise Notifications

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You will need to verify that you have access to this address.

The verification message will include a request ID that can be used to identify your public IP address.

Available mailing lists

You can use this interface to subscribe to, or unsubscribe from, the following lists:

Bitvise FlowSsh ReleasesReceive a message when a significant new version of FlowSsh is released. Notifications are sent a few times per year.
Bitvise SSH Client ReleasesReceive a message when a significant new version of Bitvise SSH Client is released. Notifications are sent a few times per year.
Bitvise SSH Server ReleasesReceive a message when a significant new version of Bitvise SSH Server is released. Notifications are sent a few times per year.
Bitvise Security NotificationsReceive a message when a security issue is discovered in Bitvise software. Notifications are sent on this list rarely.